Let's brainstorm new projects and products for our next startup!
Dear entrepreneurs, startup founders, technologists and professionals,
We are happy to offer you opportunities to build your next tech startup company. We will help you get customers and market shares. And you will be funded as well!
This comes from the huge efforts of the Reverse Innovation program, launched by TSVC, in collaboration with us and other partners in both the US and internationally.
Reverse Innovation is a very efficient strategy of performing international entrepreneurship and cross-border innovations.
Yes, we help you build your next tech startup. Regarding the technologies, We currently focus on computer vision technologies, which has tremendous market potentials. We also believe robotics will have huge values for different kinds of industrial applications. Besides, we also welcome other technologies such as AI, ML, IoT as well as other disruptive innovations.
For more information, please contact us by sending email to submit@svce.com with detailed information about yourself. Please feel free to send us Business plans and pitch decks if you have any.
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